Marshfield High School


Class of 1968
Storm to Tobiska

Abbott to Benshoof
Benson to Cheney
Choat to Davis
Davison to Garrett

Gentry to Harris
Harrison to Jadin
Johnson to Laird
Laird to McDonald
McGrath to Moore
Morgan to Patnode
Paul to Saling
Sams to Stocks
Storm to Tobisca
Tower to Whitney
Whitty to Zwicker
Class of '68 home
See our Class of 68 blog with photos
Charles Storm
George Stoval
Janet Straight
Ted Strong
Florence Sullivan
Rick Susick

Elyse 'Lisa' Swain
Kathy Swanson
Candice Swift
Dorothy Tankersley
Terry Tate
Charles Tavernier

Charlotte Taylor
Jack Taylor
Susan Tharp
Steven Thomas
Randolph Thompson
Joe Tabiska