Marshfield High School


Class of 1968
Laird to McDonald

Abbott to Benshoof
Benson to Cheney
Choat to Davis
Davison to Garrett

Gentry to Harris
Harrison to Jadin
Johnson to Laird
Laird to McDonald
McGrath to Moore
Morgan to Patnode
Paul to Saling
Sams to Stocks
Storm to Tobisca
Tower to Whitney
Whitty to Zwicker
Class of '68 home
See our Class of 68 blog with photos
Douglas Laird
Thomas Landon
Elaine Lanegan
Elis Lark
Theresa LaRoche
Leonard Larsen
Michel LaRue
Susan LaSanke
Nancy Leaton
Jim Lehr
Roy Lemke
Patty Lemmons
Brenda Lentz
Barbara Levage
Lee Lewis
Roger Liljeberg
Mary Lindsay
Mike Lindsay

Charlie Loffer
Richard Logan
Mary Lorence
Gary Lortie
Dennis Lovie

Jerry Lunsford
Sandra McAlpine
Larry McCabe
Kenneth McCarty
Paulette McCarty
Rodrick McDonald